Category: Proto:87

Getting to the Point

I’ve been having trouble making the points of my turnouts fit snugly. Wheels tend to pick the points and cars…

PCB Throwbar for CVT

Hybrids and Frankensteins Some Turnout Experiments

I’ve spent the past couple of days experimenting with different turnouts. The victims (shown below) were a Central Valley Ties #9…

Installing Straight Frog Rail

Switch-Works – A Second Turnout

February has been a hard month and my second turnout project has been stalled by parts delays, illness, a death,…

Switch-Works Built - Proto:87 Turnout Points and Braces

Switch-Works Lessons Learned

I’ve finished assembling my first Proto:87 turnout using the Switch-Works Turnout Building fixture. It took about a month and I…

Painted tie base.

Switch-Works Take 2

I am building a #10 turnout with Proto:87 Stores Switch-Works assembly fixture. I thought I’d be clever and use Press-N-Seal…

Switch-Works Arrives

My Switch-Works assembly fixture arrived recently and I finally got a chance to get started building some #10 turnouts. After…

Proto:87 #8 Turnout

Video Update – 2012-11-29

I’ve been mercilessly abusing this Proto:87 Superfine #8 turnout. I’m trying to get as much experience as I can with…

Resurrection – Proto:87 #8 Turnout

I’m not giving up yet! I resurrected the Proto:87 Stores #8 Superfine turnout that I screwed up last week (see: Proto:87…

Proto:87 #8 Turnout

Proto:87 Turnout Fail

1 I tried my hand at building a #8 turnout from Proto:87 Stores. The results were less than spectacular. I…

Proto:87 Wheels Installed on Kato SD40-2

Proto:87 Upgrade – Kato SD40-2

I’ve upgraded Kato SD40-2 with Proto:87 wheelsets. I made a video (probably too long) as a reference for anyone who wanted to try it…