About the Layout

The Industrial Lead Train Crew
The Industrial Lead Train Crew
Track Plan - Industrial Lead 39
Track Plan – Industrial Lead

As a BNSF locomotive engineer in Seattle I have become very familiar with railroad operations and industry switching. I work out of Stacy Yard and have worked several jobs that service the industries I’d like to model.

The Industrial Lead is an HO Scale prototype layout. The businesses are real. The track names are real. The locations and track arrangements may not be exact, but I am trying to develop this as close to prototype given my available space. My goal is to capture the essence of certain scenes.

The Industrial Lead is a small spur that tails off the south end of BNSF Stacy Street Yard. The Spur serves 2 customers: Cargill Corn Sweeteners Transfer Facility & Maxum Petroleum.

This layout is designed for challenging switching operations. The design may seem simple, but customer demands can easily make things outrageously complex. This is how it happens in real life.

My personal goal for this layout is to keep my boys interested in trains. I want them participate in construction and operations. Much will be beyond their skill level, so it will be a learning process.

Thanks for visitng. I hope you’ll visit again and help keep me going.

Greg Amer


7 thoughts on “About the Layout

    1. Thank you William. No track plan yet, but it looks like you’ve picked an interesting prototype to model.

  1. Greg, I have enjoyed reading your posts and progress – looks great so far! Scott

  2. Greg,

    Have you considered working helping with the ProTrak group? An established program, but still with ooodles of opportunity…..

    And perhaps of interest to you, the program is in part based on BN procedures.

    The program users have their group on Yahoogroups…..




    1. Thanks Jim,

      I’ll take a look at it. I’m definitely interested in prototype switch lists.


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